Tuesday 27 April 2010

Watch this space..

Oh dear web log, how I have neglected you!

It has been so long since I've darkened my blog's doorstep that I'm sure there must be virtual cobwebs growing in it's pages and I had to think long and hard about my log in password.

But this does happen when I am inundated with 'other' writing, namely paid work for glossy magazine. That has taken precedence lately over blog and diary writing. BUT, the creative tap-tap-tapping will resume today, so am corralling thoughts in an attempt to channel more thoughtful entries for this writing precinct.

The magazine officially went to print today (I think) so it is all done and dusted.

Other exciting news includes a shortlisting for the NT Literary Awards (yes, OMG! sounds big, doesn't it?)for a travel story I wrote on a day trip M and I embarked upon to a ranch outside of Buenos Aires last year. It was such a lovely day, and I wanted to write the story and find it a home, but I did wonder if it would translate to those who didn't experience it. So anyway, it is incredibly cool that I have been shortlisted.
The awards on are 13 May.